AppliquéArtist’s Book

This book is at once a physical archive of the 2019 McCray Family Reunion, a gift to my elders, a family portrait, a spirit photograph, and a poem with so much left unsaid. It consists of my own photography and writing, as well as excerpts from the Hopkinsville, Kentucky tourist bureau information packet and “The Dark Side of Hopkinsville” by Ted Poston, and family heirlooms.

The impetus for its creation was the appearance of my great-great grandmother’s ghost in front of my grandmother’s childhood home in Hopkinsville - “the Homestead House”. She came to see three generations of her family, my grandmother, my mother, and myself, more than half a century after she passed. She left the gift of her presence on my roll of film - a gift I cherish and honor through this work. There are only three copies, my grandmother’s, my mother’s, and my own.
© MMXXV© Noah Emanuel Morrison